Ashdon Energy Advantage – setting energy efficiency standards into each and every home!
A home built by Ashdon Builders takes your needs to heart. With that goal in mind, we work to ensure that we provide you with quality-built homes suited to fit your lifestyle. Ashdon Builders’ Energy Advantage is our energy-efficient approach to building homes. An energy-efficient home provides the highest levels of performance and savings. We believe that our customers should be able to spend less time maintaining their homes and more time enjoying it. When you buy an Ashdon Builders home, you buy improved home comfort, lower energy costs, and better quality of life. With this in mind, we use the HERS index to ensure your home meets the highest level of energy-efficiency.
HERS rated energy efficient homes provide a better quality of life, lower running costs, and higher resale values.
The Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index sets a gold standard for home energy efficiency. The HERS index is the nationally recognized system that inspects and calculates a home’s energy performance. 2.5 million homes used the HERS index rating system, 1400,00 of which rated in the past year. This system uses an easy-to-understand index, based on a 100-point scale – where the lower the score, the higher the performance. HERS’ Resident Home Energy Raters are especially highly trained and certified. Their raters guarantee that your home adheres to the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Standards.

With Ashdon Builders, it's about living. Ashdon Energy Advantage means better-built homes for a better-built quality of life.

Buying a home means more than making monthly mortgage payments. Energy costs play a significant role in determining the affordability of a home. According to the Department of Energy, an energy-efficient home can help you save from 5% – 30% on energy bills. Ashdon Builders has a HERS Index score in the 60’s. A rating in the 60’s provides you with up to 30% more energy-efficiency than a standard new home. In addition to improved energy-efficiency, HERS rated homes also help lower ownership costs. In 2018, the United States reached $235,000,000 in annual energy savings.

Ashdon Builders Energy Advantage provides you with improved home comfort that you can feel. By taking your comfort needs to heart, we believe that great results come from attention to detail. Every new home receives an inspection for quality control by an independent and certified HERS rating inspector. We focus on lowering air leakage for a tighter building envelope. A tighter building envelop offers enhanced home efficiency and fewer temperature fluctuations. Better-insulated homes are better-built homes. Your home will be warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

An energy-efficient home built with our Ashdon Energy Advantage is a quality-built home. A certified and trained HERS rater tests energy performance and build quality. You will have the confidence of knowing your home has been evaluated to meet the national energy standards. We provide energy-efficient solutions so you will have peace of mind knowing that your well-being is a top priority.

The 236,000 homes that are HERS rated in the US reduce over 1 million tons of carbon production every year. When you buy a HERS rated home, you are playing an active role in environmental preservation. Your home will reduce carbon emissions and pollution. With the Ashdon Energy Advantage, you will also help stimulate the economy by creating jobs in the energy-efficient sector.